Fitness Archives - Northeast Health and Fitness at Quincy

November 18, 2021

Are you on top of all the fitness and food trends today? If not… keep reading!

  1. Wearable technology. Everyone is wearing an apple watch, fit bit or Garmin. These devices are more popular than those wild donuts everyone is eating.

2. Functional training. Any workout that will correlate to your activities of daily life is functional. Working with twisting and rotating movements, squatting (the bending and lifting motion) are all functional.

3. Keto. Yep this has been a trend for a very long time. It has been proven to help in some drastic situations for a short period of time. From my professional perspective, I do not see it to be healthy to maintain for any period longer than a month. If you just pay attention to the calories you are consuming and expending, that should help you reach your goals.

4. Group training. This one is huge in any gym you walk in to. Group exercise classes are on the rise to get people of all fitness levels together for a great workout.

5. Crazy Donuts/ Drinks. Frosted flakes on donuts, cake blended into your coffee. I’m not sure why these food items are trending in fitness (just because you can doesn’t mean you should) but if you follow IIFYM (if it fits your macros) then by all means, go for it.

6. Body Positivity. This one is one of my most favorite fitness trends and I hope it stays around. Fitness is not about hating yourself and what you look like. It’s about making a lifestyle change to enhance the quality of your life!



Have you noticed and trends in health and fitness lately? If so leave a comment below!

November 11, 2021

Flexibility is one of the most overlooked components of fitness! It can reduce injury, inhibit lower back pain, prevent post exercise pain and even relieve emotional tension.

As we mature in years, we increase type I collagen (which is stiffer) it has greater fiber diameter and greater number of cross linkages that give stiffness to collagen fibers. With this, we see a decrease in the type III elastin which is spring like. If there is a lack of flexibility, there is a decline in range of motion (ROM) which is the strongest predictor of decline in activity levels and ADL (activities of daily living) performance.

The goal is to bend the aging curve, maintain independence and reduce falls!

The best way to stretch is Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) which is a stretching technique that uses the nervous system as sort of a “set up” mechanism. It allows the muscle to contract while stretching. The results from PNF last a longer time that other methods. Be aware though, especially if working with an older adult that there are age related alterations in muscle elasticity.

An example of PNF stretching is laying on the floor or a table and having a partner raise one leg up as Far as it will go. From here they hold the leg up and then release, then hold it up again going further. Note this can also be done with a rope or towel.

At Northeast Health & Fitness we offer a flexibility class called Lean & Limber that is free to all members of the club! Be sure to check out our group exercise schedule!

November 2, 2021

Never thought you would find yourself in a group exercise class? Think again. Group exercise actually has a variety of benefits for the mind and body!

  1. A Sense of Community- It can be difficult to find a group of individuals at the gym you find yourself comfortable around. Group exercise classes offer that sense of community by bringing people together with similar fitness goals as well as interests that you may have in common!
  2. Stress Reduction- Exercise has been clinically proven to control stress, raise self-esteem and it can be a healthy outlet for the stressors in your life that are causing anxieties.
  3. Weight loss- In conjunction with remaining in a caloric deficit throughout the day, attending a group exercise class can keep your weight loss goals on track! Try HIIT classes for an extra burn during the week.
  4. Injury Prevention- By attending a group class you have a trained professional instructing and demonstrating proper form and technique for whatever exercise it may be. Note: Muscle soreness is needed in order to gain muscle strength and endurance. However, if something hurts, especially in your joints, or the pain is intense, stop exercising. You may cause further damage if you continue!
  5. Variety to Workout Routine-The human body adapts to repetitive stress (exercise). In order to avoid a plateau in your fitness journey it is important to mix up your routine to ensure you are giving your body enough variety to “confuse” it. For example, if someone repeatedly lifts heavy weights, that person will produce higher levels of maximal strength. Conversely if a person repeatedly lifts lighter weights for many reps, that person will develop higher levels of muscular endurance. Therefore you need to consistently evaluate the need to manipulate the exercise routine to meet actual training goals. The body can only adapt if it has a reason to adapt.

So next time you’re in the gym, try out a group exercise class because it could only do you good! Check out our group exercise schedule here at NEHF Quincy!