fit Archives - Northeast Health and Fitness at Quincy

November 20, 2021

  1. Accept where you are right now. If you can’t love yourself as you are, you can’t love your future self.
  2. Build confidence. Think positive thoughts; think about what your strengths are. Wear things that make you feel powerful.
  3. Eat well. If you eat good foods, you will feel good in most aspects of your life. Whole foods that are not heavily processed and nutrient dense are a great option.
  4. Take time to relax and not get burnt out.
  5. Don’t seek approval from others. Only seek approval from yourself. People will always criticize you so don’t take it personally because they are not working as hard as you.
  6. Try not to compare yourself to others. I know it is difficult but you have to remember that you have a different genetic makeup than everyone else. We weren’t made to be copies of each other.
  7. Never blame yourself for your problems, but hold yourself accountable when trying to improve your situation.


Building confidence is difficult, but it can be done. It’s just like getting fit, you can’t give up and you must stay consistent!

November 8, 2021

It sounds like a big scary term right?

Here is what it actually means, loss of muscle due to aging. It usually starts at age 50 and continues through your 60’s 70’s and 80’s.

Men can lose anywhere from 15-32% muscle and women 23%-36%.

There are a few factors contributing to sarcopenia such as neuromuscular and biomechanical causes. Incorporating resistance training into your routine 2-3 days per week can help bend that curve and preserve muscle.

But wait Jackie, what do you mean by neuromuscular and biomechanical changes?

Let’s talk about it. When discussing neuromuscular changes, as we age the cross sectional areas of all muscle fibers shrink. There are fewer motor nerves and the size of remaining motor units increases. This changes the ratio of fast twitch fivers to slow twitch.

Aging also causes structural changes in the neuromuscular junction. Basically, the folds on the muscle cell membranes unravel and they contain certain receptors that pick up chemical messages sent by the nerve. The quality of chemical transmissions is reduced. Also, there is a reduced calcium flow inside the muscle which leads to slower, less powerful contractions. There is less satellite cell activity which decreases muscle hypertrophy potential and repair.

Biomechanical causes include decreased levels of muscle building (anabolic) hormones, andropause/menopause, and a decline in capacity to produce energy and build muscle.

Therefore, if you start lifting weights it will positively affect the neurological, hormonal and mechanical factors that are associated with muscle maintence and growth. It will also reduce sarcopenia and improve mobility!

So lefts get lifting!

November 2, 2021

Never thought you would find yourself in a group exercise class? Think again. Group exercise actually has a variety of benefits for the mind and body!

  1. A Sense of Community- It can be difficult to find a group of individuals at the gym you find yourself comfortable around. Group exercise classes offer that sense of community by bringing people together with similar fitness goals as well as interests that you may have in common!
  2. Stress Reduction- Exercise has been clinically proven to control stress, raise self-esteem and it can be a healthy outlet for the stressors in your life that are causing anxieties.
  3. Weight loss- In conjunction with remaining in a caloric deficit throughout the day, attending a group exercise class can keep your weight loss goals on track! Try HIIT classes for an extra burn during the week.
  4. Injury Prevention- By attending a group class you have a trained professional instructing and demonstrating proper form and technique for whatever exercise it may be. Note: Muscle soreness is needed in order to gain muscle strength and endurance. However, if something hurts, especially in your joints, or the pain is intense, stop exercising. You may cause further damage if you continue!
  5. Variety to Workout Routine-The human body adapts to repetitive stress (exercise). In order to avoid a plateau in your fitness journey it is important to mix up your routine to ensure you are giving your body enough variety to “confuse” it. For example, if someone repeatedly lifts heavy weights, that person will produce higher levels of maximal strength. Conversely if a person repeatedly lifts lighter weights for many reps, that person will develop higher levels of muscular endurance. Therefore you need to consistently evaluate the need to manipulate the exercise routine to meet actual training goals. The body can only adapt if it has a reason to adapt.

So next time you’re in the gym, try out a group exercise class because it could only do you good! Check out our group exercise schedule here at NEHF Quincy!